Hills, Valleys, People

Today was a travel day for the team in Eswatini, as we moved locations from central Eswatini to the Nhlangano area to begin a week of work there.

We spent a few hours perusing a few souvenir shops in Ezulwini, laughing with our Swazi friends who are traveling with us, and then traveled south towards Nhlangano where a week of bible studies, food deliveries, and revivals will take place.

While driving today, we got the opportunity to stop and marvel at these incredible hills as the sun was setting over the highveld of Eswatini. We walked along a metal, swinging suspended bridge witnessing God’s work. What a glorious, breathtaking beauty this country holds. We rested, in spirit, and it was good.

The ability to behold God’s creation breathes fresh life into our tired lungs. These hills hold a promise – the promise of a new generation rising up in Eswatini. These valleys hold a secret – the secret of joy in the midst of nothingness. These people hold a spirit – the spirit of the Lord.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel‬ ‭36:26‬ ‭CSB‬‬

These promises, these secrets, this spirit? Creation is speaking in Eswatini, and today we listened. We are so grateful for these hills, these valleys and these people. Life-giving hills.

P.S. – Our fearless leader, mfundisi Jimmy Johnson has fallen very ill. Please be praying for him, that he would quickly recover. He is resting but for anyone that knows him, knows that it is killing him not to be at full capacity. Please be praying for him and for us as we continue in our journey!
