What We Need

Jesus always sends what we need when we need it. 

What. A. Day. 

The morning started off with preparations for the Youth Leader’s Retreat, gathering up dishes from Hawane, ferrying people to Manzini, grocery shopping, and finally a late lunch. The Youth Leader’s Retreat is an annual event that the summer Swazi Partnership team usually supports as a time for youth leaders from each church to come together to plan and think for National Youth Camp (NYC) which takes place in August. 

The opening session was fantastic – Jimmy brought the word on running the race with endurance from Hebrews 12:1-3 and it was a beautiful time of catching up and praising alongside both new faces and old timers. How sweet it is to be with our Swazi friends. 

….and then there was a bit of an incident. 

Earlier in the night, I had run up to town to get some more folks from the bus rank, there was a pothole, you know the story. By the end of service, we had a very, very, very flat tire. 

So the Swazis gathered to fix it, and the spare wouldn’t come off the underside of the van. And the rim was bent on the original tire. 

I cried. Xolani called Avis. 

And would you believe it – Sabelo, our sweet EuropeCar savior from last year, arrived in a Volkswagen Golf. And we worked it out for him to take us back to the guesthouse in Mbabane, and give us a new van in the morning. Jesus always sends us what we need when we need it. 

And then we got in the car. And asked a lot of questions. And realized we had called EuropeCar….and we needed Avis. 

So we’re back out guesthouse, no van (it’s in Manzini) and with little to no plan of how to get back to Manzini for tomorrow. 

Send some prayers will you friends? Jesus always sends us what we need when we need it. 

“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:3-5, ESV). 

Jesus, the caregivers of our souls, met me today in the arms of a Swazi Make who held me for no less than 45 minutes while I ugly cried over a silly tire. He met us in the face of Sabelo, who remembered us the instant he pulled up (apparently we were a memorable group.) He met us in selflessness of our Swazi friends to try and fix a bad situation. He will meet us with transportation tomorrow. 

So we pray. And we wait. Jesus always sends us what we need when we need it. 
