Good morning friends or as we are learning to say Sanibonani! After a busy weekend of conferences & camps, we spent such a special day on Sunday worshiping with Swazi brothers & sisters. What a blessing! Their fire for the Lord is contagious and somethething that I can absolutely learn from. Sunday was our last day in the Manzini region so sadly, we had to say goodbye to our new friends there and have now landed in the Lubombo region. After a day of sightseeing yesterday (first elephant spotting!!!!!!), we are hitting the road with a full schedule of Bible studies & revivial services. So many new faces to meet and oppurtinies to be taken advantage of.
As we meet new friends in this region, please pray that we will be bold to take advantage of the oppurtunites that the Lord grants us. Please also pray that the Lord will continue to change our hearts as a team as we minister to the poeple. For me personally, I know that the Swazi’s are more of a blessing to me than I could ever be to them. I am so thankful!
Thank you again for following along with us—we appreciate the prayers more than you know!
In awe of His grace,
Meagan, Hannah, Emma, Mike, Linda, Elinor Wayne, Jeff, John & Diane, Jeff & Cheryl
PS. Part of our team was presented traditional Swazi wraps at their church service on Sunday. If you know John McDaniel, you know that eating a chicken leg during this ceremony is 100% in character.