Sent to Servanthood

Today was a long day of the second full day of the youth leader’s retreat! Elinor kicked off the day with a great message, and then the day was off running with games, social time, meals, and question and answer sessions. Jimmy closed the evening with a beautiful message focused on Jesus’ washing of the disciples feet. 

We ended the evening with a special dinner with the Allen family and Gogo Sandu and Nono. It was a beautiful day full of joy and smiles and laughter and gratitude, and we are tired but full. So very full. 

“You were not saved to be a sensation. You were saved to be a servant.” – Jimmy

As we laughed and swapped stories around a long table at the Ocean Basket, we mediated on servanthood. In his final days before death, what was Jesus doing? Spending time with his closest friends, making himself the lowest of lows, taking the position of a slave, and washing feet. He washed feet. 

““You will never wash my feet,” Peter said. Jesus replied, “If I don’t wash you, you have no part with me.”” (John‬ ‭13‬:‭8‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

Jesus could have spent those final days and hours doing any manner of activities – preaching, teaching, who knows. And he washed feet. He knelt in front of friends and became a servant. He demonstrated His love for His disciples, and wiped dust and dirt from heels and toes. 

We have been saved for servanthood. We have been sent to servanthood. Whose feet do you need to wash today? 
