Oct./Nov. Trip Update #1

Good morning from South Africa! After a few planes, [airport] trains, and automobiles, we arrived last night—ready for showers and a good night’s rest. Thankfully we got both of those things and are rairing to get to Eswatini. As I write this, we are making the 4 hour trek to Eswatini and we are so excited to begin ministering to the people there. We will have today to plan but will hit the ground running tomorrow for a busy weekend of women’s ministry. As we kick off this weekend, please pray that the Lord will give us confidence in His ability to speak through and use us. We know that He is able—we just need to be willing. May we be receptive to His voice and His agenda for our time in Eswatini. Thank you so much for your prayers—please continue doing so. Please, thank you, and much love!

Until next time,

Meagan, Hannah, Emma, Linda, Mike, Jeff, John, Diane, Wayne, Cheryl, Jay & Elinor
