
Another glorious day in Eswatini! This morning we awoke early to join our brothers and sisters in Christ at Mhlambi and Maloma. After a quick pit stop for a flat tire (because Eswatini) and a grocery trip for breakfast and homestead visit supplies, we headed out to Mhlambi. The settled misty morning unfurled slowly across the tar road before us, but gave way as we reached Pastor Chris who joined us on today’s adventures. 

After a visit from “the Baptist police” (a fellow church member in the force who stopped us at a roadblock), Elinor led a beautiful lesson with the ladies of the church, while the rest of the team was able to complete a homestead visit. These take place with the sick, elderly and needy in the community. 

Around lunchtime, we headed to Maloma to visit their new church building and worship together. While there, Elinor taught another fantastic lesson while the others visited three homesteads. Finally, Jimmy led a prayer service for the adults, while Olivia taught the children about God’a creation. 

The church at Maloma has met under a lean-to, a tent, a tree, and most recently, a building that blew over in a storm. (In fact, you can see the former foundations of that building behind the new one.) These faithful believers continue to meet; they do not forsake the gathering of the saints. The gospel prevails in this place. God gives cement-evidence of His faithfulness to us and in the faces of these sweet believers. It’s enough to move you to tears. 

When the van pulled into Maloma, the sight of the brand new church building was overwhelming. That church building is a visible promise fulfilled in cement and sand and water turned cinderblock to wall and rafters and roof. These simple walls feel faithful, as though they are the evidence of God’s faithfulness to us, to the church at Maloma, to the church in Eswatini, to our ministry. 

“…things we have heard and known and that our ancestors have passed down to us. We will not hide them from their children, but will tell a future generation the praiseworthy acts of the Lord, his might, and the wondrous works he has performed.” (Psalms‬ ‭78‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

Father – forgive us for taking things for granted – like church walls, and bathrooms, and sweets, and soft teddy bears. Let us never take for granted the miracle that is fellowship with believers from across the ocean. Thank you for your faithfulness to us. Help us to pass this story on. We love you. Siyabonga gaculu babe. 
