We’ve Made It!

After 24+ hours of travel, we are all FINALLY in Johannesburg! We’ll be picking up rental cars/vans and be headed to BIMS to stay for the evening. As some of us return to a familiar place, while others of us experience a different culture for the first time, we beseech you to continue to pray for us.


Pray for those of us returning, that as both bittersweet and joyful emotions arise, we would turn to our Lord and King for comfort and hope.


Pray for us that are experiencing African culture for the very first time, that our eyes would be opened to the vastness of the Gospel, and that our hearts would begin to break for the people of southern Africa.


Pray for our unity as a team; we come from all different walks of life, places, ages, and backgrounds. Pray that our team would unite in our hope for glory of the Kingdom of God. Pray for our bonds to begin to form, so that we are more effectively able to share with our Swazi brothers and sisters.


Pray for our friends in Swaziland, as they eagerly anticipate our arrival tomorrow. Pray for their preparations, both physical and spiritual, and that their hearts would be softened towards Jesus.


We miss you all, and cannot wait to begin sharing the amazing things God is doing in Swaziland!


Embracing Grace,


The Swaziland Partnership
