Never Enough Time

Our final full day in Eswatini with this team brough an incredibly beautiful combined worship service with three different churches in the northeast region. It was a bright service with loud praising, dancing and an incredible word brought by Bradley. We will never get over the power of congregated believers praising the name of Jesus together. 

After a short rest at our guesthouse, we headed back to the Simunye Club for a beautiful meal with many of our Swazi friends. It was an evening full of laughter and smiles and jumping and joy. It is such a treat to spend this extended time with our friends, to love on them, and to do life with them. We are so so grateful. 

As our time in Eswatini comes to a close,  we are struck by how little time we have here. This trip has flown by like a summer storm just passing through. There is just never enough time to love, to share, to laugh, to dream, and to live. The goodbyes come far too quickly every single time. 

As we said “see you soon” to some of our closest friends tonight, we have to rest in the belief of Jesus’ faithfulness to us. We may never see some of our Swazi friends in this life again, but Jesus’ sacrifice gives us hope for eternity. His death on the cross offers a way for us to experience the joy of Heaven with our friends, forever with them praising Jesus, the most High God. Nkulukulu wetembegile, Jesus is faithful.  
